If you are considering entering the Catholic Church or renewing your Catholic Faith, we are here to help you on your journey.
The decision to become Catholic is a joyful decision, but also a serious one, so the Church requires that there be significant preparation on the path to becoming Catholic. This preparation includes a number of stages and celebrations that are called the Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The RCIA journey occurs in different forms in different parishes. At St Liborius we try to accommodate the individual needs of every inquirer.
There is an annual cycle of RCIA preparation that leads up to the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter. At every stage the aim of the RCIA process is to provide Spiritual Guidance, Connection with the Community, and Instruction in the Faith. As we do not always have inquirers our process changes from year to year. Below there is a list of the stages in RCIA and a description of our current plan for RCIA in 2024
RCIA Stages
Pre-Inquiry The parish offers opportunities to learn more about the faith in a way that is non-committal.
Inquiry Stage Those who are interested in exploring the faith further have the opportunity to enrol in RCIA and attend regular meetings.
The Catechumenate Once someone has decided to become Catholic, they can enrol in the Catechumenate. This involves a formal declaration of the intention to receive the Sacrament of Initiation in the Catholic Church. If they have already been baptised in another denomination, they are called candidates instead of Catechumens. During this period the regular meetings continue as well as regular attendance at Sunday Mass.
Period of Illumination Once the decision is made to receive the Sacraments at the coming Easter, there is the Rite of Election, usually celebrated at the Cathedral in February, where this commitment is made. The Period of Illumination follows where meetings continue, but there is a greater focus on spiritual reflection and preparation.
Reception of Sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass (Saturday Night)
Period of Mystagogy Following reception of the Sacraments there is the opportunity for a period of continuing reflection on the Faith.
RCIA and Faith Formation in 2024
The Pre-Inquiry Stage of the RCIA journey will begin Sunday, Sepetember 8th. This will be part of a more broadly aimed series exploring the Catholic Faith for anyone who is interested.On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 10am (before the 10:30am Mass) we will run a series of sessions going through the basics of the Catholic faith. These sessions will also be streamed online via our YouTube Channel. There will be the opportunity for live questions and for submitting questions between sessions.
We have designed this process so that people can inquire in a very non-committal way (initially by watching online), but with the hope that it will lead to coming along and connecting with the community, which is an important part of the RCIA process.
The Inquiry Stage can be entered into at any time during September -November by formally enrolling in the RCIA. Once enrolled there will be further opportunities to meet with the RCIA team. To enroll as an Inquirer, please contact the parish office.
The Catechumenate Stage will begin in December, with a Rite of Enrolment in the Catechumenate to take place on the weekend of December 1-2.
The Period of Illumination will begin in February 2025 with the Rite of Election to be celebrated at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Bendigo.
Reception of Sacraments will take place at the Easter Vigil Mass on April 26th, 2025.