Becoming Catholic

If you are considering entering the Catholic Church or renewing your Catholic Faith, we are here to help you on your journey.

The decision to become Catholic is a joyful decision, but also a serious one, so the Church requires that there be significant preparation on the path to becoming Catholic. This preparation includes a number of stages and celebrations that are called the Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The RCIA journey occurs in different forms in different parishes. At St Liborius we try to accommodate the individual needs of every enquirer.

There is annual cycle of RCIA preparation that leads up to the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter. At every stage the aim of the RCIA process is to provide Spiritual Guidance, Connection with the Community, and Instruction in the Faith. As we do not always have enquirers our process changes from year to year, but the general timeline is below.

RCIA Preparation Plan

June: First Enquiry Event
Come and See - No Commitment

July: Second Enquiry Event
Come and See - No Commitment

Enroll in the RCIA Process

August - November: Further Enquiry Stage
Fortnightly Meetings at the Parish
Video-Conferencing Options Available
Still open for new Enquirers to join

Enroll in the Catechumenate
(Commitment to receive the Sacraments at some point)

December & February: Catechumenate Stage
Meet Weekly

Rite of Election
(Commitment to receive the Sacraments at the coming Easter)

Until Easter: Period of Illumination
Meet Weekly

Reception of Sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass (Saturday Night)